What from your site can i use and what can't i use?
it's simple really. if you find something on my site that says "DO NOT STEAL" "do not post on any other site" "do not reupload" "do not give to anyone else" "do not upload to any other youtube" or any other warning like that, you CAN NOT USE IT. many of the things i post on my site are copyrighted to me. that means they belong to me and if you take them or redistribute them in anyway, that's stealing and that is illegal. and you can and will get in trouble for doing so. if you take anything else from my site or use information, pictures, etc. that you found on my site, you MUST credit Clique Girlz Media. please do not copy&paste my updates word for word and put them on your site. that is also stealing and is illegal. if you do not comply with this, there will be repercussions.

Do you know the Clique Girlz?
i do not personally know the Clique Girlz, nor have i ever met them. i'm not friends with them, i do not work for them, and i'm not related to any of them. i am just a fan like all of you. unlike a lot of you, i have been a fan for many years, years before they were signed to Interscope and years before they began making it big. this is why i have certain things that other fans do not.

Where do you get all your rare pictures and music?
a lot of my rares came from public sources from years ago before they were famous. they are no longer available, which makes them rare. others i stumble upon accidentally and post them as rares because you cannot easily find them.

Will you please share the rare songs you have?
unfortunately i cannot. the clips that are on my youtube account are not available to anyone other than the producers themselves and family members. they are rare demo songs that the girls recorded before they were signed to their record label. now that the girls are signed, the demos are not supposed to be released. this is why they are rare, because the were never released in full. and for legal reasons, they cannot be released.

What's your name and how old are you?
i have owned and maintained many successful websites in the past and i have been stalked by crazy fans because of it. many of the celebrities that i have run websites for, i was in contact with and they would give me exclusives and information before anyone else. and because of this, people thought that by becoming my friend, they could get information or other special privileges from me and that is not the case. this is why i do not like putting too much information about myself on my websites anymore. but i can tell you that my name is Kristen and i'm the same age as one of the Jonas Brothers. as much as i love talking to and meeting other Clique Girlz fans online, i will not be sharing any of my personal accounts with you. so don't ask for my screen name, myspace, facebook, youtube etc. however if you would like to contact me, please either send a message on my youtube or email me at cliquegirlzmedia@yahoo.com. your best bet is youtube, i check that the most.

Can my site affiliate with yours?
of course! if you have a clique girlz site and would like to be affiliated with my blog, please send an email with the link and name of your site to cliquegirlzmedia@yahoo.com, or on my youtube account. remember if you affiliate with my site, you must put the link to my site on your website as well.

Why do you post somethings on your site and not others?
i'm old enough to know that even celebrities deserve respect and privacy. i will never post any personal information about the girls that has not been officially posted. i will not post gossip or any other hurtful information. i will never post personal pictures that were either hacked to get, or found in any other disrespectful way.

Do the girls know about your site?
Yes. Destinee and Paris ( as well as their family ), Ariel ( and her family ), Sara Diamond, and the girls of N.M.D. all know about the site. Most of them have been on it at least once or visit often as well. They DO NOT post comments. Anyone claiming to be them or accused of being one of them is not. I have spoken with most of the girls as well. You can view some of the tweets they have @replied to me here.

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